Teen moms flat share

Teen moms flat share

Target group:

From pregnancy until the child is three years old. One room also allows the accommodation of an older sibling.

Requirements for admission to the WG:

The Teenie-Mutter-WG was developed in 2017. It is located in an apartment in an apartment building belonging to the wbg – Wohnbaugesellschaft Villingen-Schwenningen.

The offer of the Teenie-Mutter-WG is aimed at adult pregnant women and women with babies who cannot stay at their previous place of residence due to an emergency situation or who do not have adequate living space available.

In the case of severe mental impairment, current or former alcohol/drug addiction and severe deficits in educational skills, admission to the ProKids mothers’ flat share is not possible.

Residents must be able to live independently and independently. By moving into the shared flat, the women consent to being cared for by a family midwife or family/health and pediatric nurse (FGKiKP) or by another outpatient form of help.

Please address inquiries about the allocation of places to the Early Help Villingen-Schwenningen.

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